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Island Dental Care International

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Sponsors & Partners

We are grateful to our sponsors who have been with us from the beginning.

Artisan Dental Laboratory logoDr. Michael C. Regan DMD logoTD Consulting Group logo
WEOMedia Dental Marketing logo


We have 3 levels available for yearly sponsorships. Keeping with the Island loving we have named them Sun, Surf & Sand.

Sun Level

Sun level partnership is anyone committing $10,000 or more per year to IDCI, in monetary commitment or services supporting IDCI.

Surf Level

Surf level partnership is anyone committing $5,000 or more per year to IDCI, in monetary commitment or services supporting IDCI.

Sand Level

Sand level partnership is anyone committing $1,000 or more per year to IDCI, in monetary commitment or services supporting IDCI.

Benefits for Partnerships with IDCI

•  Philanthropy
•  The ability to share the skills we are lucky to have with those who need it most
•  Marketing as IDCI grows
•  Tax write offs, due to 501c status

If you are interested in becoming a partner (or volunteering) with IDCI, please send us an email and we will set up a meeting to discuss the best next steps in our relationship.

Jabez Medical Clinic sign from Island Dental Care International 2022 mission tripWe are seeking to grow our initial partnerships. We would like to ask for your continued support and partnership. This commitment will allow for a continued level of excellence and advancement of IDCI’s mission: to deliver life changing dental care to island inhabitants whom have limited or no access to quality dental care. Our initial goals include procuring the equipment necessary to travel and treat patients in portable clinics; to include x-ray equipment, dental units to provide suction, air/water, and drilling abilities, as well as patient chairs.

We plan to continue to build our presence on Rabi Island, Fiji. We currently have two permanent chairs and access to a dated portable dental unit as part of the Jabez Humanitarian Foundation Clinic. We aspire to not only improve the equipment at the Jabez Clinic, but also create portable teams that will be able to travel to the schools or other satellite sites on the island or neighboring islands increasing the number of patients we are able to provide care during a visit.

We are currently developing our relationship with an existing organization, Great Shape, INC- 1,000 smiles. Thousand Smiles is the largest volunteer dental service group. They were established in 1988 by fellow Oregonians. They are responsible for coordinating and supporting over 600 dental providers over a 10-week period in Jamaica, Granada, St. Lucia, and Turks & Caicos. Our goal for IDCI is to help establish a stronger NW presence and with your help offer much needed services to the individuals that have limited access to care around the world, namely islands.

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